science technology

The benefits of mobile breathing rate sensor

Mobile breathing rate sensor is a small, non-invasive device that can be worn on the chest, under the clothes to continuously monitor a person’s respiration rate. The sensor has been shown to provide a reliable measure of changing respiration rate. The frequency and depth of breaths is like a fingerprint for each person across all disciplines (elderly persons, athletes). It is possible to distinguish this from other breath rates such as snoring or breathing during sleep. These sensing techniques are used in medicine, sports and military environments.

The benefits of mobile breathing rate sensor

  1. It comes with an application that measures the user’s breathing rate and etc.

This application comes with a chart that displays the user’s breathing rate across the day. Thanks to this application, users can have a better understanding of their breathing rate and by just observing the graph, they can find ways about how to reduce their breathing rate for good.

  1. It is also capable of measuring heart disease symptoms

Thanks to this device, monitoring heart diseases has been made easier. This device can be used for those who are suffering from respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD. It helps monitor the progress of these fatal diseases and prevents them from getting worse.

  1. It can also be used for athletes and their training

In order to continually improve the performance of athletes, their respiration rate is monitored. The reason is because an increase of their breathing rate usually indicates that they are stressed out and therefore, it affects their game. The sensor can be easily worn under the clothes. It’s made for use in real-world situations and where monitoring athlete’s breathing rates are concerned, according to Sennheiser, many top level sports players have been using the sensor for years already.

  1. It can be used by diabetic patients

Diabetic patients are able to monitor their respiration rate in order to better manage their condition. It will also give them a better idea of when they need to take their medication. The sensor is essentially used as a tool and not just as a gadget. It helps in informing the patient about the best time to take their insulin.

  1. It is useful for doctors and health care professionals

If measured at an accurate rate, the breathing rate gives doctors a useful measure of how they are performing at work. This will help them understand how well they are actually doing, which is essential for improved performance. The sensor gives the doctors and health care professionals a vital way to monitor the level of activity of the patient, which will help them keep track of their progress. The sensor can be used remotely and at home, to record different patterns.

  1. It is also useful in military settings

In the military setting, soldiers are given this breathing rate sensor in order to understand their bodies better and also to know when they are stressed out. This will come in handy as this is one of the most stressful jobs that anyone can have. In times where there is no air support or backup, these people have to think on their feet and this means that they need to be one hundred percent focused at all times.